CIDF reveals multiple ‘china’ series listings; new variants in the pipeline


Jun 26, 2019 | TR Business | China International Duty Free (CIDF), the world’s largest independent distributor and market solutions provider has revealed multiple listings of its three new variants in the ‘china’ series. According to the company, ‘china’ Jinsheng was created to cater to the primary purchase drivers of Chinese GTR [...]

CIDF to focus on ‘china’ products in Singapore


May 3, 2018 | TR Business | China International Duty Free (CIDF), the world’s largest independent distributor and market solutions provider, has pinpointed the GTR Exclusive ‘china’ series of tobacco products as its ‘headline focus’ at this year’s TFWA Singapore show.  An international-only Chinese tobacco brand co-developed by CIDF and Jiangxi Tobacco, [...]

CIDF adds three new variants to travel-exclusive China series


Apr 6, 2018 | Moodie Davitt Report| Marketing and distribution specialist China International Duty Free (CIDF) will launch a range extension for its travel shopping-exclusive ‘china’ tobacco range at TFWA Asia Pacific Exhibition. China Jinsheng, developed by CIDF and Jiangxi Tobacco, was created to cater to the primary purchase drivers of Chinese [...]

CIDF wins DFNI Product Award 2017

2019-07-17T08:15:59+00:00Creative, Product|

Dec 15, 2017 | DFNI Frontier | Highly Commended – ‘China’ travel-retail exclusive, China International Duty Free (CIDF) Created in Jiangxi “china” is a celebration of the historic importance and Chinese national pride associated with fine Chinese ceramics and Jiangxi itself, the birthplace of porcelain or “china”. The packaging stands out in [...]

CIDF launches new “china” travel-retail exclusive product


Mar 30, 2017 | DFNI Frontier | The product, named “china” was created by Jiangxi tobacco and is a celebration of the historic importance and Chinese national pride associated with fine Chinese ceramics and Jiangxi itself, the birthplace of porcelain or china. CIDF said the story intertwined with the cultural significance of the [...]



Feb 17, 2015 | DFNI Frontier | 中国消费品牌的专业营销商和分销商——中国国际免税店(CIDF)已在哈马德国际机场(HIA)的卡塔尔机场免税店(QDF)新推出几款不同价位的香烟产品,作为其拓展中国烟草产品市场的计划的一部分。 新推出的产品包括超高端的白沙和天下($130一包)以及更具价值驱动力的金阿诗玛($19一包)CIDF向QDF提供11种不同的中国产品,并会在2015年继续增加数量,与CIDF在QDF出售的两种中国白酒——洋河梦之蓝与天之蓝构成搭配。 这两家公司已合作采取多项提高中国旅客销售额的措施。这些措施包括大幅度折扣以及特殊的节日包装。CIDF还将QDF定位为并行推广中国白酒和烟草制品,实现跨品类促销的首批运营商。CIDF表示,此举在客户中引起了积极的反馈。 CIDF中东地区大客户经理Sophie McGirr表示:“过去12个月中,中国烟草类产品在卡塔尔免税店的大幅扩张证明了他们对中国市场的热情,以及尽可能吸引这些旅客的决心。此举成功地推动了专门适合中国人口味的商品的售出数量。除了卡塔尔本地客户之外,此前几乎没有特定的国际旅客群体在散布于各航站楼的卡塔尔免税店中,受到这样高度的集中关注。” 同时,CIDF在过去18个月内,凭借聘请中国品牌大使的方法,在提供卡塔尔航空和国泰太平洋航空飞往中国大陆和香港的许多直飞航班的HIA实现了两位数的销售额增长。McGirr认为:“QDF鼓励如CIDF这样的利基产品供应商举办面向整个销售团队的培训讲座和工作坊,为尽可能多的工作人员提供深度信息。当接触一位不说英语的中国客户时,基本的普通话表达至关重要。” 如果零售商真正重视面向中国消费者的销售的话,“绝对不能缺少”能说客户语言的热情店员,因为许多中国客人是不会讲英语的。她补充说:“运营商非常重视雇用优秀的中国销售人员来帮助品牌推广其产品。

CIDF announces first organic Chinese cigarette listed in Singapore Changi


Jul 31, 2014 | DFNI Frontier | Specialist marketer and distributor of Chinese consumer brands China International Duty Free (CIDF) has announced the listing of Yuxi Manor with DFS Group in Singapore Changi airport starting from today. Yuxi Manor is the first organic Chinese cigarette and the listing follows a successful trial [...]